Thursday, August 2, 2012

Never thought I'd ever do this in my lifetime...

I never thought I'd ever ACE an exam. Let alone a final exam. I just walked away (sort of, it's an all online class) from my Consumer Psychology class having accomplished 75 out of 75 points on the final. I was in complete and utter disbelief that I could have actually managed to do that all by my little itty bitty self. So I AM capable of passing a class with more then a C!!!

Summer classes have come and gone. I barely passed them with C's. The usual for me. Except I amazed myself with that last final. Blew my own mind.

I'm (hopefully) only one semester away from achieving a Bachelor of Arts in Communication (so exciting, I know!).

I'm actually ACHIEVING something at work (I made my first GINORMOUS commission check EVER). I always chalked up my underdog status to the fact that I am perpetually shy and have social anxiety. WELL, as I neared getting let go thanks to underperforming, something suddenly struck me in the cranial cavity (no it wasn't anyones foot). I realized a.) I am never going to get anywhere with this attitude and b.) I am SICK and damn tired of being broke. So I stepped up my game, and here I am making the biggest check ever and WHOMPING on the guys at work. I feel pretty damn good.

Then I get home and I accomplish this feat of ACING my final??? ...... WHO AM I LATELY????

I have always thought of myself as "average".  A "just get by" kind of person. Although I have aspirations of achieving greatness, I never really thought I could ACTUALLY get there. Well this past month has proved me wrong in more ways then one......... and all while I've been battling some health issues! Who woulda thunk!???

Oh ya, those pesky health issues. First a pulled pec muscle, then a stomach ulcer (directly related to said pulled pec muscle. NOTE: Never "O.D." on NSAIDS.... they can and will cause ulcers). Then more stomach issues as I battled thru the pain of the ulcer. And then polyps in my intestines (but thank heavens no cancer!) and then finally a gallbladder scan and finding out my gallbladder is functioning at 21%. Awesome.

SO that sucker is gonna have to come out. FUN! I'm literally not looking forward to that surgery. Although incisions will be small and it's not as intensive as say a C-section.... I'm still petrified. Taking out my craptacular gallbladder could either make things better for me...... OR do nothing at all. Fabulous. In my mind (and no I'm not being vain here, I'll explain in a moment) the scars from this are going to suck the most. Even though they are supposedly small, I'm really afraid of having scars on my stomach area. And here is why: a.) I may want to do some sort of "body competing" in the future (read below for details) and b.) my crazy body likes to make "keloid scars". Which are raised, red and UGLY. I have a few keloids already from other surgeries and injuries, so I already know I'm most likely going to end up with more from this gallbladder surgery. Le sigh......... I really don't want more keloids (especially on the tummy area), but this thing has just got to come out.

In the mean time I realized that even thru all this health crap I CAN actually achieve things in life. I CAN make a difference. I CAN get ahead. I CAN be better then "C average"...... I think my next goal may be competing in a body building competition......... no seriously...... I'm serious.

Bikini competition (and I'm not talking your average strutting around in a Target brand bikini). I'm talking about strict diets, strict workout regimens and strict plans. I've achieved what I thought was impossible at work and at school...... why not go for the "impossible" in the health department of my life....... let's see how this goes.....

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